Am I Signed up for Text Alerts?

How can I check if I'm signed up for text alerts?

Text alerts are a convenient way to stay updated about your orders, delivery dates, and any schedule changes, all without being tethered to your email inbox.

To confirm if you're signed up for these helpful alerts, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your account at (you'll find the login option in the top right corner).
  2. Once logged in, click on the Settings Symbol located in the top right corner.
  3. Select "Settings," and then click on "Contact info."
  4. You should see your email and phone number listed there. Below the phone number, you'll find a little tab to enable or disable text alerts.

Don't forget to click "SAVE" after making any changes.

Please note that we exclusively use text alerts for order-related information. If you need assistance turning on text alerts, updating your phone number, or if you're not receiving the alerts, please feel free to reach out to our Wild Pastures Customer Support team ( We're here to help you! 😊